Meet Corrupt Cop, Developer Supported

April Culbreath

How many times can April Culbreath lie in under 2 mins?


Career Highlights

  • 885-hours of unpaid suspensions

  • Sex on the job with both male and female officers.

  • Internal affairs complaints of Insubordination. Conduct Unbecoming. Neglect of Duty.

  • Dropping her firearm in a picnic pavilion with children.

  • Punching a surgery center employee in the face.

  • Ignoring a child endangerment call to be with a fellow deputy.

Download Her Disciplinary Record

Here’s the Real Story on Corrupt Cop

April Culbreath

Fiction: April is running a Grassroots Campaign

Fact: In her own words from a local candidate forum, “Developers believe in me.” April is backed by $70,000 in Developer and Special Interest Money, with almost $200,000 in Dark Money Political Committees Supporting Her. Source:,

The Real Grassroots Candidate? TAL SIDDIQUE

TAL has not taken any developer or special interest money for his campaign. He does not use any dark-money political committees to support his campaign.

Fiction: April is a leader for the Republican Party

Fact: GOP Members voted “No-Confidence” in April Culbreath and April is actively being sued by several members for theft of funds from the party. Source: Herald-Tribune, Court Records.

The Real Record of Serving Republicans? TAL SIDDIQUE

TAL volunteers with Young Republicans to bring young people into the conservative movement and is a member of the Manatee Republican Executive Committee, Women of Manatee Republican Club, Manatee Republican Liberty Caucus, Lakewood Ranch Republican Club, and the Longboat Key Republican Club.

Fiction: April has been a Trump-supporting Republican since 2016.

Fact: April changed her registration to Republican in 2018. Source: Voting Records.

The Real Conservative? TAL SIDDIQUE

TAL joined the conservative movement nearly 4 years ago for the right reasons. He wants a secure southern border, supports life, a strong national defense, and married a card-carrying republican. Read his Open Letter here.

Fiction: April has deep ties to Manatee County.

Fact: April bought her home and moved to Manatee County just 3 years ago.

Local Roots, Generations Deep? TAL SIDDIQUE

TAL’s family co-founded Bradenton Christian School, founded Ten-8 Fire & Safety, and have donated significantly to help the community. His family was on the board of Manatee Memorial Hospital in the 1960s and served recently on the board of the Salvation Army of Manatee County.

Sources/News Articles

Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Public Records - Download Here

The Bradenton Times

The Bradenton Herald


The Islander